Thursday, April 28, 2011


Seperti semua perkara di dunia, dok sama mak pak ni ada kelebihan dan ada juga kekurangan.

Memang saving sangat kalau tumpang umah mak pak ni.
Tapi antara kekurangan yang buat aku paling menggelisah adalah keterbatasan pergerakan.

Walaupun telah dewasa, bagi mak pak, aku tetap seperti anak yang tidak tahu apa, yang perlu dibimbing agar mengikut jalan yang 'betul'.

Tapi aku faham juga mengapa mereka bersikap begitu.
Dah memang aku seorang sahaja maka aku lah menjadi tumpuan segala perhatian dan kasih sayang...

Tapi malam ni, dua perkara telah betul-betul membuat aku mendambakan kebebasan sebagaimana kebanyakan yang lain:

1. Dia sedang sakit kaki akibat terseliuh. Dia belum makan lagi kerana semua teman serumahnya telahpun makan di luar dan Dia tiada teman untuk makan bersama.

2. Abang Man sedang dalam keadaan tertekan dan perlu tempat untuk meluahkan perasaan secara bersemuka.

Kalau lah mampu, aku pasti segera terbang ke sisi mereka...

Tapi aku ingat pesan Budak Baik. Aku kena sabar atas apa yang ditetapkan.
Pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya.
Aku doakan agar mereka baik-baik sahaja...


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Self indulgence :P


Jiwang giler entry semalam! Baca baca balik, naik segan aku :P
But it was necessary because I really needed to get that out of my system! Hehe!

Meet my new pet dragon :P
The previous entry was evidently self indulgent and now this here is indulgence No.2!

Yes, it is Lego.
A while back, this marvelous product came under heavy fire and censure when some idiot used it to defame our most esteemed Prophet Muhammad sollAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam!

As a Muslim, I was angry.
I fully supported the ban on Danish products (that is, whichever ones I could distinguish myself).

But later, when I think carefully on it, which big corporation would self sabotage itself in that way?
Therefore I came to the conclusion that it was only a means to an end.
Besides, have we fully played our part in educating non-Muslims about what Islam truly is?

Are we even embracing Islam? Living and breathing Islam?
I can only abashedly answer 'No' to the above question.

It is ignorance that breeds such blind contempt.
And we, as Muslims, have not been showing any examples that would make them think differently.

We should be angry at ourselves then...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sedetik lebih...

Genap sebulan perkenalan kami...

Lata Kinjang destinasi yang kupilih untuk aku terus belajar mengenalinya.
Kedengaran berat sebelah bukan?


Biar dia yang menentukan halatujunya sendiri.
Memang itu gayaku sejak dulu.
Cuma aku kini berusaha untuk menjadi lebih sabar.

Dua foto di atas adalah antara beberapa foto yang dirakamkan olehnya dan tidak dia padam.

Sedangkan kebanyakan aksinya yang kurakam amat menghampakan diri sendiri.
Sangat jauh berbeza dengan kualiti komposisiku yang biasa.
Banyak yang di luar fokus.

Sebabnya mudah.

aku menjadi kelam kabut.
Hendak segera usai mengambil gambar.
Kerana aku merasakan setiap detik yang ada amat berharga.
Terlalu berharga untuk aku bazirkan dengan mencari komposisi yang menarik.

Lebih baik kugunakan untuk memahat tiap detik bersamanya itu
dalam hatiku ini
dalam ingatanku ini...

Walaupun aku sedar, mungkin foto itu lebih kekal.
Tapi detik itu hanya sekali.
Maka perlu kunikmati sebaiknya.

Walaupun asalnya
dia membenarkan aku untuk menyimpan dirinya dalam hatiku
sekadar sebagai pengubat kekosongan jiwa.

Hakikatnya kini
dialah hatiku...

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Serabut wehhh palo ari ni!

I've been in this situation before.

Baca semula entry lama... perghhh!!! Berulang lagi!

Balik-balik aku dok putaq tape tu jugak! Seriously, this has got to stop!

Meh kita buat album baru!
Mulai saat ni, bila aku renung kembali diari hidup, aku nak nampak satu perubahan ketara dalam cara aku menangani keadaan!

Biarlah situasi itu sama camne pun, sebijik sebijon, tapi pandangan dan tindakan aku berbeza!

Aku nak jadi orang yang lebih baik daripada aku yang dulu.
Dan kalau ini turut memberi manfaat untuk mereka yang berada di sekelilingku- alhamduliLlah!

Oleh itu, berilah hambaMu ini kekuatan- aamiin...


Don't you wanna stay here a little while?
Don't you wanna hold each other tight?
Don't you wanna fall asleep with me tonight?
Don't you wanna stay here a little while?
We can make forever feel this way
Don't you wanna stay?

"Don't You Wanna Stay"
Jason Aldean & Kelly Clarkson

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Random musings...

Been a while since I loaded some nonsense photos onto the blog.

For some unknown reason, I take fewer photos nowadays. Camera ever available, opportunities were there, moments aplenty but I've been letting them pass...

Though idle I seem to be, below are evidence that I my heart does go on. Enjoy!

From the one job I have attended so far. Deepest apologies to Boss d'Reyanz for being too occupied to help out with more shoots this year.

From the Secret Garden, One Utama. Because the movie I planned on watching only had decent seating at the 9.00pm viewing.

From Muzium Shah Alam. Started with a trip to the (very sad and dilapidated looking) art gallery. Was pleasantly surprised that they allowed photographs to be taken inside.

The Secret Garden, One Utama again. Introducing another photo junkie to the wonders of a garden amidst all that stone.

From Nia's birthday party. Backup cupcakes just in case KFC failed to produce a decent birthday cake.

From Dayang Bunting Island. This was taken by 'that person', a type who just can't stay still so I lent my camera to temporarily relieve the tedium of waiting for our boat.

A reminder of our time together...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Moving on...

Sweetest of memories...

Though the trip itself was a disaster, but the memories created are some of the sweetest I've ever had in a really long time.

Nothing is sure at the moment but the strangest thing is I do believe that this is the person who'll stay in my heart until the end. And this IS the last time, come what may, that I will consciously search for it.

I have cut myself off from that world with the exception of those few cherished friends I have made over the years.

After consulting Budak Baik, I am currently striving to do the best and be a better person than before (this kid sure can read me like a book and I'm still mourning the friendship that I inadvertently spoiled).

So many people, experiencing much worse trials and tribulations than what I am facing, are able to smile and move on with their lives.
I hope to do the same.
I also hope my wish will come true.
I hope that we can all be together until the end in Allah's Approval, Grace and Love...
