Update ni sempena kehadiran seorang lagi insan yang membawa sinar bahagia dalam hidup aku.

Nah! Siap dengan bunga api aku sambut! Haha!
Gambar pengubat frust lepas gagal shoot bunga api tahun baru di Putrajaya :P Tak yah gi jejauh- dari tingkap bilik je aku snap. Kelas tak kelas?
The Putrajaya fiasco was apparently the first in a series of blunders upon beginning the year.
A few weeks before Chinese New Year, I visited my usual haunting ground, 1 Utama, in the hopes of capturing images of Chinese acrobatic or martial arts performance.
It seems that, there were fewer shows scheduled for this year, which accounted for the huge crowd waiting to watch the lion dance performance.
Scene at a stall selling a variety of traditional chinese sweets from my vantage point on the 1st floor of the Oval.
I immediately realized the disadvantage of the spot I picked to shoot the performance- a frontal view will fail to show off the acrobatic antics of the performers.
I was already boxed in by other spectators and unable to move from there. In addition, all the other good spots are filled so I went on shooting anyway...
That was the second blunder.
The third was deciding to attend a wedding in Ipoh on Saturday, at the very start of the Chinese New Year weekend.
As you can see from the photos, the highway to the north was jam packed forwards and backwards.
We all looked wistfully at the nearly empty Kuala Lumpur-bound road just across the divider...
In the end, we didn't even make it to Ipoh. It was nearing 2.00pm and we hadn't even reached Gopeng! So we decided to exit at Gopeng (which took another half hour!
) and headed back home :P
As we zoomed ahead smoothly back south, we saw that the road north was still badly clogged.
Stopped for a break at the Sungai Buluh R&R. Reached home around 8.40pm.
The blunders do have their bright sides- I definitely am grateful for the experience.
But all that made me very glad and even more grateful that something right finally turned up- like a glimpse of colours among the dull gray of cement and concrete.
Entah dia baca entah tidak entry ni. Ligat FB je nampak gayanya, huhu :P But if you do happen to read this, I want you to know that I really appreciate having you in my life- utterly priceless! Thank you so very much!
P.S. Tulis entry sambil dengar alunan melodi Yiruma kesukaan dia :)
ok. gambar pencawang kat bukit nan menghijau tu sangat cantik.
tima kasih, nukie :)
Happy for you.. (",) *hugs*
pix bunga api tu best ^^ sempoi jer & x heavy sgt....
thanks, naz & krunch! :)
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