Saturday, December 25, 2004

Choobaaa-aaaan... lagik???

Andai aura tebal seinci,
Janganlah makhluk hendak diduga,
Kerana cuai menjaga diri,
Latih bernafas ulang semula

Uhuk! Aku stuck kat 6 Fatihah ni... for another month and a half pulak tu! Doakanlah aku berjaya, Amiin!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Pesanan seorang kenalan

"w'kum salam..kawan..

Apa yang kita inginkan tak semestinya kita dapat walaupun kadangkala kita mendapatnya.

Apa yang tersirat tak tentu lagi tersurat namun kita pasrah dengan ketentuanNYA. Hanya Dia yang mengetahui perjalanan hidup kita.

Kadang-kadang kita merasakan jiwa kita kosong dan diri kita sungguh 'useless'. Itulah hakikat kejadian manusia yang sebenarnya hanya ibarat sang semut di alamNYA yang maha luas ini.

Berdoa dan bertawakkal selalu untuk mententeramkan jiwa....salam hormat..z**"

A new acquaintance passed me this message a few days ago. I thought that it’d be something really good to share with my readers (though small their number may be).

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I really hate the PIN code that they put on a mobile phone!

Over an hour ago, I’d just had the SIM card on the on-call telephone blocked because I can’t remember the frigging PIN code! I’d never felt the need to activate the PIN code on my own handset because I feel secure enough with its safety. I guess my office doesn’t put that much trust in its staff when it comes to taking care of office property. Muahahahaha…! :))

But I’d be in deep shit if an emergency call comes in tonight and I can’t use the damn phone! Bugger…!