Saturday, July 08, 2006

Fly Me To The Moon

Today’s my second piano lesson- classical piano no less. The first baby steps on a journey of 8 years on average.

Ma and Pa, knowing me too well, are very sceptical. I have a history of leaving things halfway: my room décor, my garden, my paintings.

Oh so many chicken shit (as in hangat-hangat taik ayam) to mark my passing.


Anonymous said...

Forget skepticism. Think of all the money you're spending on this endeavour, and I think you'll make it a go! If it cost enough, it shall spur you.

Invite me to your first recital, ok?

Anonymous said...

Rats! It's me, Suze. :p.

I admire you for making the first step towards realising a dream of yours. I know I want to play classical guitar, but doubt I'll ever get to the stage of actually acquiring one (doesn't help that I'm still a student). Go for it, Ri, go all the way.

Ri, boleh!