Sunday, January 25, 2009

Minna... Ganbatte ne!

To quote Rudy Bluehikari no okaa-san...

"Au wa wakare no hajime nari"

Last Friday, there was a sense of emptiness as I stepped in for work. Tersentak aku. Dengan perletakan jawatan dua kawan baik aku ini, bermakna aku keseorangan di sini...

No one to turn to. No one I can fully trust. No other place to run to. No more support.

Aku tau korang tetap akan blah jugak satu hari nanti cuma aku tak sangka lar secepat ni. And by the time I knew about it, it was too late to change your minds.

Korang tau, petang Jumaat tu kat opis, tengah aku sibuk-sibuk isi borang claim tempat swasta puaka tu, tiba-tiba Big Boss keluar. Alih-alih dia bagitau aku suruh siapkan laporan nak tutup RF (alaa... justifikasi nak satukan kedai dengan RF yang tak siap-siap tu).

Lepas tu dia citer skit pasal korang jumpe dia sebelum blah pagi sebelumnya tu. Dia bagitau betapa terkilannya dia korang blah time jabatan amat memerlukan... (korang tak caya tanye Kak Dila) Bila dia kata gitu, aku pun rasa kebenaran statement tu...

I think I might even have to put my Masters plan on hold... And Prof Sham says I should apply soon because they're going to make the intake requirement even tougher for the next round.

Entah ler... aku pun macam hilang semangat dah lar... untuk ape-ape pun lar...

But having said all that, I know you're really really happy to have left. Tinggalkan semua menatang alah karut marut yang ada kat sini! Hehehe...

Harap masa hadapan yang makin cerah menanti di hadapan korang :) Amiin...


Unknown said...

I think its better u continue ur least u hilang somedby ...u bleh tumpu to other thing (Study for Master..)...

Snuze said...

Darling, you planning to do your MSc in pharmaceutical services ke? Good for you! Find a supervisor who will support you: spiritually, intellectually, financially and emotionally. Grad studies isn't for the faint hearted.

Lemme know if you need someone to share travails and fears of postgrad life. Would be willing to share and even over share.


rudy bluehikari said...

berbaur rasa bila mengenangkan quote my okaasan 'au wa wakare no hajime nari' tu...setiap pertemuan adalah permulaan bagi perpisahan'.... i miss fukushima so much. thanx for the remembrance...